Anyone that claims one OS is infinitely superior to the others has clearly never spent any time on the other side of the fence to form an objective opinion. I’ve no time for fanboys on either side because there is no superior solution anymore*
The area where iOS falls down it utility. On Android you have a huge swathe of quality handsets going from £300-£2000. For the average phone user a Pixel 6a is really all you need.
Where Android falls down is a lack of premium apps. There is still no Android version of top pro level apps like Procreate, Pixelmator or Resolve despite the market for them and top handsets like the Fold being a perfect fit. There are still games like Tiny Wings and Trism that are 15 years old on iOS but have never been near Android.
In this case the myriad specs of Android are its weakness as well as it’s strength. It’s a lot easier to develop an app for Apples standardised specs.
*I would argue that whenever it’s been a 3-horse race both Android and iOS have come off worse. WebOS was years ahead of both of them and is still being exploited for features. Windows Phone 7 made Apple’s 6.0 skeuomorphism and Google’s 4.0 hobbyist appearance look a decade out of date. Both of them have now stagnated due to a lack of competition.