As with everything, tech predictions are highly subjective. I think the early user data from the G1 product will influence where Apple take it in future, just like it did with the Watch.
But as we are in the business of predicting things I’d put good money on the battery life being a limiting factor in a lot of users experience. As nice as the design is, the ‘dork’ factor still remains when using it in public, even if you’re just flying solo.
The battery-and-profit-sucking external display remains an incredibly over-engineered alternative to just taking the headset off. All we will see is a series of comedy ‘cartoon eyes’ apps for it in the vein of those iBeer apps for the first iPhone.
I think Apple will push out a G2 model quickly without those over-engineered features, partly to cut costs but also because they will have to. Whilst it remains to be seen how many private users are interested in this, small businesses, Tech Channels and Higher Education are going to be all over this and Apple won’t be able to build them fast enough.