Energy efficiency needs to be point number 1 on any product specification.
Fossil fuels are only going to become more expensive by scarcity and renewables are not as reliable. Home battery tech solves a lot of these issues but do you really want to find you have to skip your morning shower because your child was up until 1am on their Xbox and used all the juice?
This 'speed bump' in rapid product development cycles will only be a good thing. Processor speeds already move faster than software development as evidenced by the tricks developers on PS5 have to use to keep frame rates from taking a nosedive whilst battling the ever-increasing budgets behind blockbuster games.
Giving the markets more time to breathe and allowing developers to squeeze more out of existing and older tech is always beneficial. Nintendo make the best games in the world on the back of often decade-old hardware.
The example of displays falls short because new technologies have led to efficiency gains. LCD was more efficient than CRT. OLED more than LCD and MicroLED more than OLED.
Over the next century it won't be the nations with the best technology but rather the most efficient energy grids that will have the most content citizens.