From the court documents we saw that Fortnite market share on mobile devices (iOS, Android, Switch) was less than 10% whereas PlayStation consoles accounted for over 60%. Apple and Sony both charge a 30% fee to developers for IAP. Both operate their own exclusive storefront. In other words Epic pays a LOT more money to Sony than it ever did to Apple.
So why even sue Apple when you pay more money to Sony? The answer is Epic aren’t stupid enough to bite the hand that feeds it. But Apple are the biggest company in the world so any lawsuit is bound to generate headlines.
Epic sued Apple because they had nothing to lose. A few million dollars spent on lawyers is nothing compared to the unlimited free publicity the case generated for its own store on PC. And if they lost they could still hold face and call themselves the underdogs.
And if they won? Well they wouldn’t have much to gain from not giving Apple 1% or so of its Fortnite revenue but because they would have successfully sued a giant like Apple, Sony and Microsoft would have no leg to stand on by still taking 30% or blocking the launch of the Epic Games Store on consoles.