Gaming is at an interesting turning point.
Sony, despite doing gangbusters on hardware have over-invested in now-cancelled live service titles the market could never support. This has left them with huge holes in the PS5 release schedule and gamers wondering where the next big single player title is coming from.
Microsoft. chasing sub revenue have proliferated otherwise decent games with ongoing live service elements in an effort to keep the money rolling in. Just compare Forza Horizon 2 to the 5th game or Halo Infinite and its need for 'seasons' to engage players rather than letting the gameplay just speak for itself.
Nintendo are cleaning up but now face the goal of convincing its huge market of Switch owners to upgrade to a newer console. Will backwards compatibility hurt their ability to sell new franchoise entries or force them to innovate more?
Apple are actually in a pretty safe place to hoover up lots of 5+ year old console titles for its iPhones but is there a market for those games on a phone?