I finally got an Apple Store demo the other day and I came away impressed. I was amazed at how dinky it was compared to how it looks in photos. The immersive video and spatial photos looked incredible. I could see where it might fit in at work and I even got a demo for Mrs. St. James and she loved it!
It comes down to price though. This isn't a 'I'll take one' £200 for a Kinect sensor or a 'We have to save up for that' £500 PS5. Its £4000 minimum (I'm not walking out without Applecare) which I could spend on an actual holiday to Yosemite rather than a facsimile.
I get the VR apathy. I play online with my 3 closest friends each week. We grew up together and gaming has always been our core hobby and none of us have been impressed with the discomfort, isolation and motion sickness of regular VR.