I just cannot agree with Superman. I do not think any big-screen outing has ever done the man of steel justice because there is just too much emphasis on Lex Luthor who was never is arch enemy in the comics. The closest I have seen is maybe the first third of Superman Returns which shows him up in space listening for trouble and then helping the plane down. It quickly falls apart after this though.
I’m not sure how heroic they are but my favourite are still Blade 1/2. The world building in the first movie about this clandestine world of Vampires pulling the strings behind human society is fascinating. Has any superhero ever made a better entrance than the first 20 minutes of Blade? Snipes is entirely convincing as this distant hero, struggling with a curse that simultaneously lets him stand up for humanity. And then Del Toro washes the whole thing in gothic horror for the sequel.
In terms of heroism how about Ironman 3? Seeing Stark stripped of his armour and on the run makes for great viewings but it’s the barrel of monkeys scene that steals the show.