I need to do a series on this subject matter but one thing I find interesting is the metaphysical ramifications of certain movies and Ghostbusters is no exception.
For example in that worlds ghosts have been proven to be real as have ancient Babylonian god's. Are the ghosts actual spirits of the dead (as we see in Afterlife) or rather manifestations of something else?
Surely a creature like Slimer is more of a demonic entity from a other dimension than a departed spirit? But then we see Viggo, a ghost attached to an object (which follows the rules of Supernatural) who still haunts the material plane.
But if this world has categorical proof of the afterlife as well as alternate dimensions and ancient deities, it implies that the ancient stories are all true, God is real and that there is a heaven and a hell.
This has some pretty deep meanings for society and yet nothing is spoken of it!