i wouldn’t call it an expectation or entitlement; I’d call it disappointment.
The greatest generation, post-war sought to build a world where history would never repeat itself and their children and grandchildren wouldn’t have to live with the same hardships they did.
Boomers (that’s not an insult, just a description) inherited that world of generous rebuilding and social support systems and it helped them through some tough times. They wanted their children to not have to suffer again.
Except something went wrong. Rather than gifting this world to their children (Gen X, Millennials) western governments decided that the support systems were costing too much and so they and their media allies gaslighted an entire generation into tearing it all down under the guise that the average citizen could get richer from it.
Millennials inherited that world and wondered where all the opportunities our parents and grandparents had had disappeared to. When we asked we were told to shut up about it. And now we are disappointed with having to inherit a world where the bottom has been torn out of society and the planet is coughing.
Worse still is our children, Gen Y are more acutely aware of the problems facing humanity than any other generation before it. But are accused of being over sensitive ‘snowflakes’ by the generation that squandered the golden opportunity their parents built for them and who see suffering as some sort of badge of honour.
Our expectation was to inherit a world where we would have to work hard like our forebears but one with opportunities to do so and safety nets in place for when things go sour.
And we are disappointed.