It is an area in need of a shake-up. I was in hospital on Monday evening for a few hours as the doctors were concerned about my heartrate in relation to an infection I had. Only when I was able to pull out my iPhone and show them the heart rate stats my Apple Watch had taken for the 3 months prior did they see that it wasn't any higher than when I had been well.
It is this ownership of our health data but also the cataloguing of our stats that will help healthcare in the future as it will give doctors an instant look into our biorhythms without resorting to taking up room in a hospital better used for someone with a real emergency.
Via our consent it will also allow at-home monitoring of vitals so long as its not life threatening. I don't know about anyone else but I much prefer having home comforts (like my Xbox) when i'm resting up rather than a hospital. A quick zoom call every now and again would be all it needs to reassure people. (Again, this is for recovery from minor things and not an emergency replacement. I am not condoning shutting hospitals in return for an Apple Watch)