There is nothing to stop Apple bringing an electric vehicle to market and indeed there are some major design flaws in mass transit that Apple are well placed to solve (using a 2-ton vehicle to transport 1 person is hideously inefficient)
What I struggle with is what they have to gain from doing so. There are many markets Apple were rumoured to be entering but never did but actually made sense.
Take TV's: The OS for even Android smart TV's is horrible to use compared to the Apple TV box and Apple make some incredibly good displays in all their computers. For Apple to build a 4K 42" TV set with an A-series processor and tvOS baked in seems like a no brainer and it would sell really well. And yet this was either a dead rumour or a dead end and they decided not to bother.
If they wouldn't make something as obvious as a TV set (which they already have the building blocks for) why would they branch out into something as far removed from their bread and butter as a car?
The AR headset rumours I buy into although I expect this to be something like a heads-up display Mac rather than a fully immersive VR.