To Apple’s credit they don’t have much of a history of chasing fads and will only enter a marketplace if they can turn a profit.
GPT is incredible technology but nobody has been able to monetise it properly yet. OpenAI lost £500m last year and it costs roughly £8m a day to keep running. Microsoft might be happy to bankroll its servers but Apple won’t until the costs are lower.
I won’t argue Siri is worse than Google or Alexa but does it need to be better? Apple have the market research data we don’t and it might be that nobody uses it for anything other than playing music and setting timers.
The smart home market is the same: Apples research probably tells them that there aren’t many people that actually bother with the products. To use your own example it’s not really difficult to get up and use a light switch.
Where Apple are in danger of falling behind is their bread and butter products. Samsung are showing how it’s possible to offer all mod-cons at the base level and then really spoil your customers at the top end. The iPhone 12 has been influential in phone design but we are starting to see Android OEMs copy Samsung more with things like foldables.
These may not be the future but they most certainly are interesting directions.