What you have is an internet community that simultaneously hates the idea of plot spoilers but also complains when the ending the writers created doesn’t line up with the one in their head.
I learned long ago during the Lost years that theorising about plotlines is a fools errand; better to just go with the flow of whatever the storytellers had planned.
This said I don’t actually mind spoilers at all. Knowing the ending to a game, film or book is just like knowing the final destination of a train. It’s the journey the characters take getting there that is the interesting part, not where they end up. I often skip to the last chapter of a novel before reading the whole thing.
I also applaud artists who stick up for their endings, even in the face of fanatical adversity. JK Rowling famously kept the epilogue to Harry Potter locked in a safe for a decade so she always had that happy ending to aim for, the creators of How I Met Your Mother shot the ending with the kids during Season 1 so they didn’t age.